Sunday, September 18, 2016

Breakfast for champions (dorucak za sampione, recept na bosanskom na dnu stranice)

Scroll down for Bosnian.

This month, my dear friend MersihaO was choosen for Cool Chef,  at our favorite cooking site - Coolinarika.

Mersiha joined our club of around 120 Cool Chefs, out of over 150.000 members of Coolinarika. So, I can frealy say that we all feel honored by this  recognition,  because only about 1 of 10 000 members will receive  Cool Chef diploma with a lot of nice goodies from Coolinarika.

My other dear friend Brankal, when she was awarded with Cool Chef diploma last year,  started cool food games, and since then, every time new cool chef is nominated, they would challenge us to cook or bake something, then to post photos and recipes and link them to the challenge they announced. This was a challenge that Branka put upon us:

Mersiha's  challenge was: Breakfast for Champions.

Because my family rarely have a chance to eat breakfast together (we all very busy 7 days per week), I decided to post this healthy and very light, my most favorite breakfast, that  I have on most mornings before I go to work. It is really very satisfying, keep me full till midafternoon, and if I  choose some light and healthy snack, I am  good to go till lunch time. Other good thing about this breakfast is,  that you can  prepare it in no time, no cooking or baking is involved at all.

Those nice bowls are gift from my friend Mersiha and her family when they came to visit me this summer. I kept them hiden, till I got some opportunity to make something that is connected to her, like this event or to try one of  delicious  recipes from her blog or Facebook page.

Flowers are from my garden, and for this beautiful color of our pool I can thank to my hubby who really take time to make it look clean and nice...

Ingrediants for my fav breakfast:

1 cup of favorite nut based milk (I used coconut milk in this recipe),
1 TBS chia seeds,
1 apple
1 TBS flax seeds
1 tsp honey
1/2 tsp cinnamon,
berries as a toping, or other fruit per choice

Soak chia seeds 15 minutes before you proceed with next step.

Add flax seed in blender or nutribulet. Process till you get nice powder. Add honey and cinnamon.

If you use organic apples, there is no need to peal them or take out seeds, as we know apple seeds contain cyanide in quantity that can not heart us, but just help to destroy cancer cells.

Dice apples and add to flax seeds. Process few more times till is all processed in nice pure.

Add everything to the mixture of milk and chia seeds. Mix just to combine all ingredients.

You really do not need any toping with this, but you can add some berries, or sprinkle with more cinnamon.

Enjoy your healthy breakfast, your body will thank you with providing energy you will  need during the day.

Dorucak za sampione

Moja draga prijateljica Mersiha je proglasena za cool sefa na coolinarici ovog mjeseca. Kao sto to dolikuje sefovima, kad su izabrani, oni nam postave temu I  igricu za njihov mjeses sefovanja, I mi onda napravimo nesto po toj zadatoj temi I postavimo na njihov dogadjaj.

Mersiha nam je zadala temu, dorucak za sampione. Meni licno naj zdraviji I najlaksi dorucak je sa sjemenkama I vocem, u kojem unesem zdrave masnoce I vitamine za pocetak uspjesnog dana.

Izabrala sam kasu od chia sjemenki, lanenih sjemenki I voca.


1 casa biljnog mlijeka po izbogu
1 kasika chia sjemenki
1 jabuka
1 kasika lanenih sjemenki
1 kasikica meda
1/2 kasikice cimeta
po izboru bobicasto voce.

Prije nego pristupimo pripremi ovog dorucka, potrebno je potopiti chia sjemenke u mlijeko I ostaviti petnaestak minuta da nabubre.

Samljeti lanene sjemenke u nutribuletu pa potom dodati isjeckane jabuke. Ako su jabuke organic, onda zaista nije potrebno da ih cistite izvana ili iznutra. Dodati med I cimet. Sve blendati dok ne dobijete fin pire.

Sastaviti sve sastojke zajedno, izmijesati da dobijete finu kasu. Potom dodati bobicasto ili  voce po svom izboru. Uzivati u divnom, zdravom I laganom dorucku!

Ove divne zdjelice su poklon od moje drage Mersihe, kad je dolazila ovog ljeta na Floridu, nasla je vremena da me posjeti, tako da smo proveli jedno divno poslijepodne u ugodnom druzenju. Cvjetici su iz mojih cvjetnjaka oko kuce. Za divnu boju bazena mogu da zahvalim svom dragom muzu, koji ga zaista odrzava u perfiect stanju.


  1. Izuzetno zdrav i fini doručak, chia semenkice obožavamo i jedemo ih svakog jutra sa raznim semenkama i žitaricama.Prijatno!!

  2. Bas mi je drago da ti se dopada Milice, I da uzivate u njima, hvala ti puno!
